What is McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release Technique and How Can It Benefit You?
Scars may have a huge influence on our presenting problems. They can cause:
restrictions in the fascia
reduction in blood and lymph flow
weaken muscular strength
reduce flow of energy
inhibit joint movement
They may feel and look unpleasant and may even upset us emotionally due to the traumatic events that created them.
Fortunately help is at hand. MSTR is an innovative, pain-free, natural method of helping you with your scars. Gentle, finger-tip pressure is applied to the area to help free the restrictions in the scar. No force is involved and the work is always applied withing the client's tolerance.
This work is suitable for post-surgical scars such as:
mastectomy, lumpectomy
appendix, gall bladder
hysterectomy, C-section
joint replacement scars - knee, hip and others
And may be considered for burn scars, trauma wounds, facial scars, muscle tears and more. It can also sometimes be beneficial for plantar fasciitis as well.
Treatment of your scar is vital. According to research, if a scar is left untreated it may make other therapeutic interventions less effective or not last long.
Even though your scar may be many years old, this may be the release your body has been searching for.
Often just one or two sessions can produce dramatic changes that you can see and feel! As I am keenly interested in what may lay behind your health problems, I have taken additional training in this specialized form of Scar Tissue Work.
Contact me for a free consultation at 250-462-1500
McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release Therapy Video